Sunday, November 18, 2012

Live Fit, Week 6: Halfway There

I completed Week 6 of Jamie Eason's LiveFit Trainer with plenty of ups and downs.  Sadly, my workout buddy had to have some surgery so she will not be at the gym for awhile.  The bright side is that my favorite Bethany :-p and I were able to meet up a few times and she was happy to jump in on this workout with me!  

Looking at my picture, I can tell that I took a step backward as far as the diet goes.  It's crazy what an off week can do to your body!  

I worked really hard at the gym this week, but that just doesn't make up for my diet.  I think I am going to have to start taking my picture mid-week, right after the gym.  That is when I feel my best and can actually tell that my work is paying off.  Unfortunately, my weekends tend to be plagued with little cheats.  A few drinks with friends, caving into the hubby's pizza craving... it all adds up!  

Fortunately, I am not training for anything but myself... so even though the pictures don't quite show it, I can tell that I am improving.  I have actually gotten a few surprise compliments from my own husband!  He is usually good about saying nice things.  He tells me I look cute when I get ready to go out or that he likes my hair even on bad hair days... but this week was one of the first times I have gotten one of those surprised statements from him that I could tell were 100% genuine!  The first was when I was doing pull-ups he really noticed my shoulders and back.  The second was when I was changing my shirt he noticed my abs!  I don't know, it is nice to be complimented on things that come naturally to us be it looks or talents... but there is something even more special to be recognized for something you worked for!

The thing to remember this week is that there will always be set-backs.  Some people take the set-backs as a sign that they can't do it, that they should just give up.  I wonder if when I started this program, if I didn't blog about it... if I didn't take the pictures... if I didn't have someone meeting me at the gym every day... would I have given up too?  Maybe I would have, and thats the thing: you need to plan ahead for those set-backs!  

I am going to try to get in all my workouts this week, even with traveling for Thanksgiving.  Our hotel has a "gym" (sometimes that means two treadmills in a closet) so I will be really hoping to see a set of weights.  I might need to modify the workouts though, we will see.  

The meal plan changes this week too, I need to start counting calories... eek!  I calculated my calorie range to be from 1450 on rest days to 1750 on harder days.  This shouldn't be a problem, but its just a little more work sometimes to really think about serving size etc. to get the right calorie count.

Oh, a little something extra special for Thanksgiving week.  I added an extra routine to my mornings that one of my friend's shared from Jamie Eason's Facebook page.  I think Jamie actually got this from Pinterest but its fun knowing that other women will be hopping out of bed to do this too!

As soon as you wake up FIRST put on a sports bra and shoes, lol, just trust me on that.  Then do the following routine twice:

50 Jumping Jacks
5 Push-Ups
20 Sit-Ups
20 Mountain Climbers
30 Second Plank
7 Burpees

It was a bit rough this morning.  Not quite used to moving quite so early! Also, burpees make me hate my carpet... and the world.  Speaking of burpees... does everyone else do them with a push-up?  Or is it normal to just do them straight armed?  My head won't let me do them without a push-up-- even though  they are my arch enemy.  7 is way better than my last at home workout which included sets of 30 burpees... which is just stupid.  Haha.

Anyway, time to work really hard for 3 days then a 5K and re-fuel with yummy food for Thanksgiving!!  The picture WILL be coming on Wednesday for week 7 ;)

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