Sunday, November 25, 2012

Live Fit, Week 7: Diet is Everything

It doesn't matter how hard or often you workout if you have a bad diet.  The end!  I took my picture on Wednesday knowing exactly how bad I would feel by the end of this weekend and I was right.  Thanksgiving dinner was actually remarkably healthy and I didn't over eat.  My set back has been sweets and eating out all weekend.  I told myself I would be ok with this... and at the moment I even have cookies in the oven... but physically I just feel like crap.  Sugar isn't worth it!  We went grocery shopping today so hopefully I will get right back into my routine tomorrow morning.  Sheesh, some things are just easier said than done.  In other news, my back is killing me because Kyle really pushed me to max out during my workout yesterday.  

Just a little note to myself:

Dear Danielle, 

This is what you look like when you eat healthy food and get plenty of exercise.  Remember how great this feels.  Sugar is bad.


Sunday, November 18, 2012

Live Fit, Week 6: Halfway There

I completed Week 6 of Jamie Eason's LiveFit Trainer with plenty of ups and downs.  Sadly, my workout buddy had to have some surgery so she will not be at the gym for awhile.  The bright side is that my favorite Bethany :-p and I were able to meet up a few times and she was happy to jump in on this workout with me!  

Looking at my picture, I can tell that I took a step backward as far as the diet goes.  It's crazy what an off week can do to your body!  

I worked really hard at the gym this week, but that just doesn't make up for my diet.  I think I am going to have to start taking my picture mid-week, right after the gym.  That is when I feel my best and can actually tell that my work is paying off.  Unfortunately, my weekends tend to be plagued with little cheats.  A few drinks with friends, caving into the hubby's pizza craving... it all adds up!  

Fortunately, I am not training for anything but myself... so even though the pictures don't quite show it, I can tell that I am improving.  I have actually gotten a few surprise compliments from my own husband!  He is usually good about saying nice things.  He tells me I look cute when I get ready to go out or that he likes my hair even on bad hair days... but this week was one of the first times I have gotten one of those surprised statements from him that I could tell were 100% genuine!  The first was when I was doing pull-ups he really noticed my shoulders and back.  The second was when I was changing my shirt he noticed my abs!  I don't know, it is nice to be complimented on things that come naturally to us be it looks or talents... but there is something even more special to be recognized for something you worked for!

The thing to remember this week is that there will always be set-backs.  Some people take the set-backs as a sign that they can't do it, that they should just give up.  I wonder if when I started this program, if I didn't blog about it... if I didn't take the pictures... if I didn't have someone meeting me at the gym every day... would I have given up too?  Maybe I would have, and thats the thing: you need to plan ahead for those set-backs!  

I am going to try to get in all my workouts this week, even with traveling for Thanksgiving.  Our hotel has a "gym" (sometimes that means two treadmills in a closet) so I will be really hoping to see a set of weights.  I might need to modify the workouts though, we will see.  

The meal plan changes this week too, I need to start counting calories... eek!  I calculated my calorie range to be from 1450 on rest days to 1750 on harder days.  This shouldn't be a problem, but its just a little more work sometimes to really think about serving size etc. to get the right calorie count.

Oh, a little something extra special for Thanksgiving week.  I added an extra routine to my mornings that one of my friend's shared from Jamie Eason's Facebook page.  I think Jamie actually got this from Pinterest but its fun knowing that other women will be hopping out of bed to do this too!

As soon as you wake up FIRST put on a sports bra and shoes, lol, just trust me on that.  Then do the following routine twice:

50 Jumping Jacks
5 Push-Ups
20 Sit-Ups
20 Mountain Climbers
30 Second Plank
7 Burpees

It was a bit rough this morning.  Not quite used to moving quite so early! Also, burpees make me hate my carpet... and the world.  Speaking of burpees... does everyone else do them with a push-up?  Or is it normal to just do them straight armed?  My head won't let me do them without a push-up-- even though  they are my arch enemy.  7 is way better than my last at home workout which included sets of 30 burpees... which is just stupid.  Haha.

Anyway, time to work really hard for 3 days then a 5K and re-fuel with yummy food for Thanksgiving!!  The picture WILL be coming on Wednesday for week 7 ;)

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Live Fit, Week 5: Making Progress!

Started Phase 2 of Jamie Eason's Live Fit Trainer this week and I feel great!  I am still not 100% on the diet, but I am making much healthier decisions overall-- trying to establish eating habits that I will continue after these 12 weeks!  

I have really been enjoying my cardio this week too.  Even though I was on the cross country team in high school, I have never been a very good runner.   So, that is another area I have really been trying to improve in.  I have been running 3 miles with a warm-up and cool-down most days after my strength training in 30 minutes.  I intended to go for a long run this weekend, but with the husband going away for a bit we got busy trying to take care of things around the house.  Oh, I also skipped my Saturday workout.  Oops. :)  I have to say though, I worked out 5 days already and Saturday would be my second "leg day" of the week.  I already have very muscular legs... so I am pretty sure that for this week I will look ahead and combine the two leg workouts into one and use the weekend to try to squeeze in some nice outdoor cardio.

I am getting excited about Thanksgiving!  (says the girl on a "diet") We are getting together with my husband's family and a few of us will be running a 5k Turkey Trot Thanksgiving morning. :) 

Anyway, pictures.  I can see a six-pack!!!  (When I push my tummy out like a fat kid, lol, no idea why that is....?)

I have such an odd abdomen, lumpy. hah.

Anyway, I am well on my way to winning my six-pack bet with Kyle.  I don't know though.  After watching the new James Bond movie this weekend he decided it was time for us to eat healthy.  (So he can be 007.)  I decided not to remind him that I am almost 6 weeks into eating healthy.  

Time for me to go sit on the couch and eat some chocolate and caramel popcorn!!! (Military Wife Rule #27  the day hubby leaves for temporary duty or deployment... no matter how long or short... is ALWAYS a cheat day!)

Monday, November 5, 2012

Light a Candle

I stumbled across a great blog from Women Living Well Ministries while I was browsing Pinterest yesterday and I had to re-blog!  It is the Making Your Home a Haven Challenge.  It just started, so this is a great time for other lovely homemakers to join in.  This especially struck me as something my wonderful sister-in-law may enjoy!

"Go buy an extra large candle and light a candle everyday in your home. I will be starting mine in the morning! But you can start yours at dinner time. Do what makes sense for your family. I will be placing mine in the kitchen – the main hub of my home. Each time the candle catches your eye, say a prayer for peace in your home.  "

Proverbs 14:1- The wise woman builds her house, but with her own hands the foolish one tears hers down.

I have had candles going in the house since it started to get chilly out.  I love my Scentsy warmer, but there is something cozy and comforting about the glow of a candle.  I currently have several scents going all at the same time, haha, vanilla in the office, apple cinnamon in the entry way, and pumpkin spice that travels with me between kitchen and bedroom, and a stronger "autumn walk" in the bathroom.  After I read this post, however, it gave each candle meaning and purpose far beyond smell and sight.  They are now constant reminders of how important peace is in our home.  It is easy to get stressed out and put too much emphasis on housework that we forget the little things we can do to REALLY make home a special haven for our families.  A quick little prayer for peace can really keep you grounded throughout the day.  

Scents are really important for our families too.  Thinking back to childhood, what do you remember most?  Often it is the smells: cookies in Grandma's kitchen maybe?  Picking tomatoes fresh from the garden is a strong happiness smell for me. :)  My mother-in-law (who I consider an expert in child/family services) has shared many thoughts/research/theories on children and attachment with me.  One little conversation I remember is about how she intentionally bakes cinnamon buns for the family not just because they are tasty but for attachment purposes (her boys teased her about trying to brainwash them).  My mathematical interpretation:  Cinnamon Buns = happiness.  IF cinnamon buns = mom... THEN mom = happiness!!  But it is true, we want our children to have positive experiences that engage all their senses.  Years from now its not going to be how clean the kitchen floor was (for 20 whole minutes) that the kids will remember... but if my little man walks into the house of someone burning a pumpkin spice candle... I want him to have pleasant peaceful memories of home.  

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Live Fit, Week 4: Just Keep Swimming

I can't believe I have already completed the first phase of Jamie Eason's LiveFit Trainer!  I have had many ups and downs.  Overall, I am still really glad I took on this challenge.

Initially, I really didn't think these workouts were going to push me much more than what I was already doing... but I was wrong.  I am probably doing twice as much in the weight room now than I was before working each body part 3 or more different ways!  Rather than working out 3 or 4 times a week I have been working out 5 days a week.  I really do feel like I am getting stronger and my arms are noticeably bigger!  Unfortunately, without doing any cardio for an entire month it was really important for me to stick to a clean diet so I wouldn't gain weight... I know I gained muscle mass, but I am pretty sure I added a bit of fat by not sticking to the diet.

Week 1                                                                       Week 4

Looking at these pictures, nothing really looks different to me... other than my posture. hah.  I have heard that you usually start seeing results around week 8.  I'm so curious to see if anything will change, I need to stick to the diet!!!

I really am looking forward to phase two.  Tomorrow we start doing cardio again, but I am sure this will mean some seriously long mornings at the gym!  The diet also changes this week... not that I was really doing great with it in the first place.  The only big change is the time of day that I will be consuming my starches.  Basically, I should be consuming my "dinner" meal with starches a little earlier in the day and saving my turkey meatballs for the typical dinner time.  Lucky for me, the time change will make this a bit easier.  

Just keep swimming, just keep swimming.