Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Tough Mudder in Training!

I am so excited.  Today I registered Kyle and I for a Tough Mudder May 19th in Chicago.  This is a serious commitment.  Never in my life have I been fit enough to believe I could do something like this, but right now I can say without a doubt I know I can do this.

Exact details are a secret until race day so you have no way to know exactly what you will face out there.  The courses are 10-12 miles long and contain some pretty crazy obstacles.  The obstacles definitely will test more than strength and fitness... these will challenge me mentally too.  I made the commitment to myself to do this before I actually looked through the obstacle pictures and descriptions.  Just thinking about some of them give me chills! Literally, chills... swim through a dumpster of ice water and under a wooden plank and pull yourself out on the other side?  (mind you I am doing this in Chicago in May, not Tennessee!!)  Sprint through a field of hanging live wires, some carrying as much as 10,000 volts of electric shock.  Run through a trench of fire with flames as high as your chin.  Greased up monkey bars or hanging rings over a pool of ice water.  Underwater tunnels... and a new one I just read about the cage crawl.... a few inches of air between you and a cage for you to crawl through belly up... the idea of that one terrifies me... reminds me of movies like Titanic when you are clinging to your last few breaths of air....

I can't explain what it is about me that I feel like I NEED to do this.  It just is one of those things that I have to accomplish.  It is almost my way of proving to myself that I can do anything I set my mind to.  I know it will be very hard, but at the same time I will have my amazing husband with me.  He is no stranger to these kinds of challenges so if the going gets tough I will have him there to help me through.

I talked to my favorite trainer at the gym and he set me up with a whole new program to get ready.  It really is CrossFit style.  Everything I am doing is going to help me manipulate my own body weight to get through obstacles.  Yesterday was my first day and it was really the basics (pull-ups, push-ups, dips,  GHD, and Roman Chair) what made it different than an average day was it wasn't 3 sets of 10 or superset with something else... it was 4 sets to FAILURE and I took 1 minute breaks.  I feel it today :)  I was supposed to do 30 min on the stair mill (the courses are known to have a lot of hills) but the machine was occupied so I did 30 min on the arch trainer at various inclines.  Oh, and I started the day off with a mile run.  Today I have thrusters, box jumps, squats and I am supposed to take a spin class but they don't have child care at the right time for that so I may hop on a bike for an hour and try to figure out a video spin class... or just run or do stair mill... or both.

Right now I can run about 4 miles without a problem and I can do 5-8 pull-ups 20+ push-ups.  This weekend Kelly and I went to the Greenway which is around 5 miles but we walked to warm up 5 min and the hills (with a 35lb munchkin in a stroller) were killer so we did pause a few times to tie shoes, stretch calves, or adjust babies... but we didn't stop and walk until we were right about 4 miles then believe me -- we had to walk to push the strollers up the hills... I would have crawled if possible.  I am sure that trail will be much easier without the stroller!  I am going to keep working on mileage (hopefully with Kelly since she is training for a half-marathon) on the weekends.  During the week I will do more cross-training and intervals to work on speed.  My cousin told me I need to be able to do 5 miles straight so that is my initial goal.  I figure the obstacles will change things up enough so the running wont feel as long.  Really, the hardest part of running for me is just muscles getting a little tight or my shoes bothering me... then mentally just getting bored and wanting to stop.  I want to be able to make it at least 10 miles with maybe a few pauses or a minute or two of walking by May.  Also, some other mental notes for myself are to do some swimming, take some cold baths ;) and to practice on the monkey bars at the playground (gotta love having a child).  I usually feel like my triceps are going to tear off when I dangle or use just one arm so stretching and practicing that is necessary.  

Wish me luck!! I'm planning on posting pictures/weekly updates of my progress.  Then, of course, pictures of race day!  Don't worry about Kyle, he's a pro. :)

Friday, February 1, 2013

Confidence Revisited

Well, I took a little break from writing in my blog because I was getting frustrated.  Just all around frustrated, it happens when the hubby is gone and the best I can do is to stay busy and wait for it to pass.  I try to limit my Facebook status updates that sound overly morose and send random text messages to friends instead, hah.  Today, however, I feel great and it has been a great day!  Hope to have a few of these non-stressful days in a row!

I really was feeling down about my food choices (I am such and emotional eater) and lack of drive at the gym.  I felt like my body was going to go right back to where it was before LiveFit.  Well, I finally really looked in the mirror and accepted the fact that I was completely wrong.  I obviously have been continuing to do something right because I still see my abs!  So, I just figured I would post my right now picture to help refocus me and a reminder that I am still doing a good job!  So, Cupid's Undie Run is next weekend and luckily I have my confidence back just in time. :-p

February 2013
Phase 2, LiveFit 
Phase 1, LiveFit (October 2012)

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Deployment Diary: Day 2

Today was much better than yesterday.  We woke up to the sound of my phone at nearly 8am (yes, we really slept that long!!).  I tried to answer in my groggy state and was highly confused until I realized it was the hubby facetime-ing us!  Hooray for iphones!  I'm not sure how that works from a foreign country because he told me to cut the service to his phone off.  I guess he downloaded an app and used wifi to do it.  Regardless, the munchkin was super excited to see his face!  I think those few minutes improved our entire day.  We still had a few breakdowns but mostly when the munchkin was in trouble and he wanted Daddy to save him from the mean Mommy.

The biggest problem I foresee right now is tv.  Kyle and I had discussed that we wanted to cut tv time down to an hour a day.  Today, however, we had the tv on the entire day except for the hour we spent at church, nap time, bath time, and maybe an hour playing upstairs.  I know weekdays will be better with the gym... there is just a whole lot of time to fill with the little guy and only one me.  Not only does it get extremely quiet (aside from Munchkin's shenanigans).  When the tv isn't on is when the crazy man gets crazy ideas like pushing his table up to the counter to get a cup to fill at the fridge with water for the dogs... water ends up all over the kitchen.  Or reaching into the "babyproof" drawers and snagging permanent markers and proceeding to doodle on his skin.  Granted, when I am paying attention to him we will be on the floor playing hungry hungry hippos, reading books, or playing with cars or blocks... but I still need to prepare breakfast, lunch and dinner, clean up after breakfast lunch and dinner (eat too) take the dogs out, and do basic clean up tasks to keep the house from looking like a bomb went off....  some how those "little" assignments keep me busy the entire day.  Maybe it is just me?  Anyway, that is just something for me to keep in mind.  Less tv more activities!

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Deployment Diary: Day 1

We sent Kyle off yesterday for a short deployment.  We actually said goodbye and dropped him off at work around lunch time.  Munchkin was napping and didn't get to say bye bye though.  Luckily some of the other girls were going to the airfield in the evening to send the guys off so we tagged along and Munchkin was able to say his goodbyes too.

It is hard to tell how much the little man understands, but I can tell he is stressed out by Kyle's absence.  I think 2012 was hard on the little guy.  Kyle would be home for a few weeks then we wouldn't see him again for over a month.  We would drive out to visit him and the little guy would wake up in a hotel room and suddenly Daddy was there... then just as quickly he was gone again for another month or more.  As much as it sucked that he was gone, some of my best memories from the entire year were the trips to visit him in North Carolina and when he met us for a weekend in Gatlinburg.  Little man seems to have developed a lot more since he turned 2 though and he really got used to Daddy being home by bedtime or at least by the time he sneaks into our bed during the night.

At least now we can talk to him about what is going on.  I'm not sure if he understands distance or time, but he does know Daddy went away.  If you ask him where Daddy is, he will say "airplane."  I think I want to make some sort of visual countdown with a picture of Kyle and an airplane.  He really caught on to the Christmas countdown to Santa calendar so I think if I make something similar it might click for him.

Our first night without Kyle was difficult.  I didn't have much energy and we got back from the airfield late so I let Munchkin have a tv night in bed with me.  Unfortunately he never did wind down so I had to turn the tv off with him screaming.  After we finally fell asleep it seemed as though we woke up at least every half hour with him kicking (literally, kicking me in the ribs) and screaming.  Usually he sleeps like a rock.  The night before Kyle left he had a rough sleep too due to a fever but he didn't feel hot this time so I don't know if it was because he was upset, having bad dreams, or just didn't feel good.

Our day wasn't too bad.  I tired to get the house clean, it looks... presentable.  Crazy how an entire day can be dedicated to housework yet you still have so much to do!   Kyle sent an e-mail checking in so that made me feel a little better.  Munchkin was not in good spirits though.  He was at my heels all day saying "Mommy hold me." Yes, this is sweet... and yes I try to stop what I am doing as much as I can to hold him and play with him... but this was literally the entire day.  I couldn't go to the bathroom!  In addition to this, everything he did was either naughty or resulted in a huge temper tantrum.  Toys were flying pretty much all day.  He even was getting upset during bath time which is really unusual for him.  And his phrase for the day?  "Daddy back NOW!" and "Leave me alone Mommy" He even called Kyle on his banana.  I caught him with the banana up to his ear saying "Hi Daddy, bye Daddy."  He also asked for Nana and Papo a lot today too.  He is obviously going through some emotions so hopefully with enough snuggles he will relax.

Little Kyle isn't the only one acting up though.  The dogs have been depressed and hiding from me all day.  I have had to drag them outside and right now Jack is just sitting in the hall whining.  The only little guy who is acting normal around here is Sox who is fast asleep here on the desk.

As for me, I just have a mixture of feelings... mostly anxiety.  I will probably feel better once I talk to Kyle on the phone a few times.  The time should really go by pretty fast.  The most difficult part is just making it through the first few days while everyone adjusts.  I am trying to come up with a few projects that I can work on mostly organizing, decorating, and learning to sew.  I will be excited to hang out with the girls once everyone gets settled.  I am also very lucky to have a great workout buddy that called to check in on me.  Weekdays are definitely going to be easier because I can spend some me time at the gym in the mornings.  If I remember correctly, last year I usually had to make it a point to plan something for munchkin and I to do Saturday mornings like take him swimming at the gym.  That way between the gym, church, and our saturday activity our mornings should be pretty well booked. :)  Anyway, typing has been good to keep me distracted tonight while I wait for my comforter to finish up in the dryer.  I need to go make the bed now so Jack will stop freaking out.  I think he is whining because since the bed isn't made he doesn't have anywhere to go to sleep... yeah... as if he doesn't have a dog bed....

If your read this Kyle, we love you!

Thursday, January 10, 2013

My personal tips for diet and exercise. :)

Over the past few weeks I have had several people ask me what my diet and workout routine is.

This makes me super excited for two reasons:
1. Other people must think what I am doing is working, or else they wouldn't ask me!  
2. My career ambitions have completely changed -- my interest is 100% in the human body - personal training and physical therapy.  So I love talking to others about what I have learned.

The easiest thing for me to do when it is just a quick casual question is to point people toward Jamie Eason's LiveFit Trainer.  I really loved this program and it helped me learn so much more about the process of building muscle, burning fat and it opened my eyes to what I am capable of.

Now that I have finished my 12-weeks* (even though the last two I skipped for Christmas) I feel lost!  This has made me really think about what my "workout routine" really is, and what principles I rely on day to day that I can share with others.  I too ask others what they are doing because I am always looking for what it is I am going to try next.  

So here goes some of my personal opinions** (I am not trained or certified to give advice, this is just what I do!)

Workout Tips:

1.  Start small.  Do exercises you enjoy so working out isn't something you have to motivate yourself to do-- it just is what you do.  

Some things that I hated in the beginning because they were too hard are now my favorites because I worked my way up to them and conquered them!

2. Make it a habit.  You have time to eat every day, right?  You have time to workout.  Depending on the type of workouts you are doing and your goals-- you need to workout 3-6 days per week.

We wake up Monday-Friday, eat a healthy breakfast and head straight to the gym as soon as the child care opens up.  Not everyone has this option, but if you are serious about losing weight/building muscle you need to make working out a priority.

3. Strength training.  Building muscle burns fat.  The more muscle you have, the more fat you burn AT REST! (ever wonder why guys have an easier time losing weight?)  You don't want to hurt yourself but you do want to push yourself - challenging yourself with either a little more weight or a few more reps each time will help build muscle.  For women, this is easily the most overlooked aspect of fitness and it is also what will make the most impact on your physique (in my opinion).   

For beginners, it is good to start with basic total body workouts to familiarize yourself with each muscle group. (I started on machines)  Right now, I split my workouts up based on muscle groups i.e. Back/Bicep Day, Chest/Tricep Day, Shoulders/Abs Day, Legs Day and use mostly free weights.

4. HIIT.  High intensity interval training.  If you haven't heard of this before... this IS the secret to burning fat.  There are many different forms this can take but basically you want to do a short burst of powerful activity followed by a rest and repeat for 30 min.  An hour on the elliptical is just a waste of time compared to what interval training can do for you!  (I say that but, yes, I do have lazy days when I just want to walk or jog for 30 min and call it a day)  Intervals also help endurance athletes increase their pace, just something to keep in mind if you are more of a distance runner.

My favorite is sprinting on the treadmill: 30 seconds on then 30 second rest (just jump off on the sides and let it run then hop back on) If I am feeling particularly crazy-- intervals on a stair climber will really make you sweat!! (I do 30 seconds as fast as I can go without being scared that I will slip and fall off then 30 seconds on level 1) Plyometrics are another option.

5. Plyometrics.  Honestly, I am not a fan.  These are things like squat jumps and burpees.  You can do these as active rest during a strength workout or as an interval strength workout alone.  It may be better to read up on them than take it from me as they are my arch enemy.  None the less, these kinds of things will kick your butt, and thats what you want.  Right?   

6. Change it up.  Strength, power, speed, endurance, flexibility having one of these is great... but personally I want to strive for balance.  This week I may focus more on lifting heavier weights for less reps to build more muscle and take it easier on cardio.  Next week I may work on endurance by lifting lighter weight for more reps and doing some longer distance runs.  I like to try to do yoga at least once a week to balance out the weight lifting.  To keep making progress you need to constantly change what you are doing or else your body will adapt to that one routine and you may stop seeing progress.

7. Plan.  Whatever your goal in your head is, you need to have a plan to get there.  Choosing a specific workout routine online or getting help from a trainer are great starting places.  Right now I don't have an actual routine but between my workout buddy and I we have pulled together a different workout for each day this week from other sources.  If I don't know what to do one day but know I really need to get a good leg workout in for the week I may go to bodybuilding.com or even jump straight back to one of the leg days from LiveFit.  Occasionally I will "wing it" but when doing so I keep in mind what my goal for that day is, what muscle group I want to work, and choose my favorite exercises accordingly.

So my typical workout routine?  At least an hour of strength training followed by 30 min of cardio 5 days a week.  I know, it would have been much easier if I just said that in the beginning, huh?

Diet Tips:

1. WORK OUT!  I know, funny right? Honestly, your diet can be much more forgiving if you workout.  On the other hand I will quote whoever "You can't out train a bad diet." I strive for balance though so a few extra calories are OK in my book as long as I am holding up my end of the deal in the gym.

2. Eat often.  Smaller, more frequent meals speed metabolism and help keep blood sugar at a steady level.  This prevents energy slumps and mega cravings.

3. Eat clean.  I don't necessarily mean pick up the actual "Clean Eating" lifestyle.  I just mean to take an extra look at what you are putting in your body.  Try to make most of your food during the day whole -not processed what so ever- foods.  I am not a stick to a certain diet type of person, I am a rule of thumb and habitual person so this is what works for me.

Vegetables, lean meat, eggs, and greek yogurt are what I strive to make up most of my diet.  I fill up the rest of the way with fruit, brown rice, oats (not the sugary instant oatmeal), beans, occasionally whole grain bread, natural peanut butter (my sweet treat), turkey bacon (my savory treat) and protein shakes, green tea, water or almond milk to drink.

4. NO SUGAR!  Sugar is bad.  If there is anything I think you should cut out of your diet today in all forms it would be sugar.  White sugar, brown sugar, corn syrup, honey, molasses whatever... its all a sugar and it will wreak havoc on your body.  With that said... you can always choose your poison...  If I am going to sweeten something I go fruit first, then pure honey, then grade A straight from the tree maple syrup.  I love my sweets but I'm trying to make a conscious effort to reduce what I take in day to day.

5. Eat enough.  If you are doing strength training, eating plenty of protein is important for recovery.    Complex carbohydrates are important for energy- to make it through your workout and your day.  Fats are also very important to overall health - vitamin absorption, brain function, hormones.  Honestly, it is all a bit beyond me... but what DO I understand.  You need a well balanced diet.  If you want to eat low-fat, low-carb, vegetarian, whatever- you better as heck do your research to make sure you will be eating enough to make up for what you are cutting out.  Sometimes the hardest part of "dieting" is eating more of the good stuff like your vegetables!

6. Enjoy a treat.  No need to schedule in a "cheat day" if your habit is to eat healthy "cheating" shouldn't really be a "thing." (Did I use enough quotation marks for emphasis?)  Instead, if you are going out with friends or to a dinner party an occasional indulgence shouldn't be a big deal... as long as you are following rule #1!  

Of course, like I said before, this is all just what I do and the rules I try to live by when it comes to diet and exercise!!!  Based completely on what I know, understand, and believe right now but I am always trying to learn and grow.  My best advice is just to start trying to make little improvements in your life one step at a time and you may be surprised where you find yourself a year from now.  ;)

7. Plan.  Planning ahead makes all the difference.  I don't know how else I can say or emphasis this.  Planning meals and snacks eliminates the "hunt" like what I just did in my kitchen.  Open the fridge, open the freezer, look in the pantry... nothing looks appetizing... ice cream sandwich.  The difference a plan makes? "Oh, it's 3, time for my greek yogurt with frozen blueberries."  Also when you have a whole week's worth of meals planned out and in the fridge you are much less likely to "just stop real quick for dinner" and consume an extra 2000 calories...