Sunday, January 13, 2013

Deployment Diary: Day 2

Today was much better than yesterday.  We woke up to the sound of my phone at nearly 8am (yes, we really slept that long!!).  I tried to answer in my groggy state and was highly confused until I realized it was the hubby facetime-ing us!  Hooray for iphones!  I'm not sure how that works from a foreign country because he told me to cut the service to his phone off.  I guess he downloaded an app and used wifi to do it.  Regardless, the munchkin was super excited to see his face!  I think those few minutes improved our entire day.  We still had a few breakdowns but mostly when the munchkin was in trouble and he wanted Daddy to save him from the mean Mommy.

The biggest problem I foresee right now is tv.  Kyle and I had discussed that we wanted to cut tv time down to an hour a day.  Today, however, we had the tv on the entire day except for the hour we spent at church, nap time, bath time, and maybe an hour playing upstairs.  I know weekdays will be better with the gym... there is just a whole lot of time to fill with the little guy and only one me.  Not only does it get extremely quiet (aside from Munchkin's shenanigans).  When the tv isn't on is when the crazy man gets crazy ideas like pushing his table up to the counter to get a cup to fill at the fridge with water for the dogs... water ends up all over the kitchen.  Or reaching into the "babyproof" drawers and snagging permanent markers and proceeding to doodle on his skin.  Granted, when I am paying attention to him we will be on the floor playing hungry hungry hippos, reading books, or playing with cars or blocks... but I still need to prepare breakfast, lunch and dinner, clean up after breakfast lunch and dinner (eat too) take the dogs out, and do basic clean up tasks to keep the house from looking like a bomb went off....  some how those "little" assignments keep me busy the entire day.  Maybe it is just me?  Anyway, that is just something for me to keep in mind.  Less tv more activities!

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